There are many reasons why the Facial Recognition licensing system may incorrectly indicate that the license is invalid. The most common cause is that the computer has not registered a hardware hash. To correct this issue perform the following actions:
- Right-click on the Visual Casino 6 icon and select "Run as Administrator"
- Accept the prompt or enter Administrator credentials
- Log in to Visual Casino 6 as normal
- Check to see if the problem resolves
If the issue is not corrected, perform the following actions
- Select Administration > System Setup > FR License Manager ...
- Locate the machine in the list of FR licenses from it's Machine Name
- Select the FR License and click the Update Selected button in the dialog screen
- Close the dialog screen
- Exit Visual Casino
- Start and log back in to Visual Casino
If the problem persists, please contact to schedule a time to perform a manual license reset. This process takes approximately 5 to 10 minutes.