You Will Find The Match Score Notification Threshold Link or Button in 3 Places.
1. Within The Database Form When You Add (Create) Or Edit A Database: In the screen below, you can see it below Invoice. It is pre-populated with at 10, you can change that if you'd like.
2. On the Notifications page: It's the blue button on the left that says "Change Score Threshold" below the explainer on "Potential System Matches."
3. On the bottom of the Notification Details page; the blue "Change Score Threshold" button on the right: This is the page where you see a side-by-side comparison of the individual you have enrolled in the database with their permission, and the profile details of the arrested individual that the algorithms have suggested may be a match to your employee (Note: you make a final determination of that match).
What Is Match Score Notification Threshold and how does it work?
Biometrica's algorithms run 24x7 matches in the background between individuals entered into your database that have assented in writing to being background checked, and UMbRA, our 100% law enforcement-sourced real-time arrest and conviction database. UMbRA data comes into it from different law enforcement jurisdictions and is updated every hour.
This data can be textual booking information -- first, middle, last name of person arrested, DoB/age, eye color, hair color, race/ethnicity, booking date, arrest date, time of arrest, time of release (if applicable), place of arrest (location), arresting agency, arresting officer, arrest date, charges, bond information, and other miscellaneous details -- PLUS a photograph of the arrested individual, or it could be just the textual information in some combination and no photograph. A photograph may or may not be added later, it depends on the law enforcement jurisdiction concerned.
A side-by-side comparison looks like this (next two images below), where the "Trigger Name" is the name of the individual you enrolled in the database with their permission, and the "Trigger Photo" is the photograph of the individual being background checked, an image you enrolled in the database, with their permission. The "Possible Match" is the arrested person suggested as a potential match; you can see arrest details in the second image below.
Because we have no way of knowing what data will be made available by a law enforcement jurisdiction, when the algorithms run a match, they run First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, and then Face. If an individual enrolled individual in your database has a name like John Smith or Michael Johnson, you may get what are called "False Positives" because it is a common name and there may be other people arrested on that day with that name. You always make the final determination of a match, if an algorithm sends you a notification suggesting a potential match.
Therefore, if you find you're getting too many false positives, you can increase that match score notification threshold to 15, so you will only get notifications if there is a first name + middle name + last name possible match, or to 20, when you will get a notification only if there is a first name + middle name + last name + image potential match. We give you the ability to decide whether you want to get more notifications or fewer, depending on your organizational needs and threat profile.
If you have any questions, please contact your administrator first. If your admin cannot create a separate database for you, please contact support.