If you move your cursor left on any. page in eMotive, you'll find 4 buttons: Enrollment, Getting Started, Help Docs, and Contact Support.
If you click on Enrollment, it will take you back to your Home Screen at any point.
Getting Started brings you here, to this user product manual that this article is also a part of.
Help Docs takes you to a section that includes the sections Getting Started (also mentioned above), Troubleshooting & FAQs. Troubleshooting includes any technical/application issues or questions that are answered as they crop up from eMotive users. The FAQs are Frequently Asked non-technical Questions about eMotive, the FCRA, privacy and data. All of these are searchable sections.
If you can't find the answer to your question in the FAQs or the Troubleshooting, you could Contact Support. Do remember that if you contact support, a support ticket will be generated and you'll get a response via email, please do look out for it.