Please view our demo video at
1. You will need a Zapier account. If you don't have one you can sign up for one here:
2. You will need an Umbra account including an api/v2 api key and bearer token. For certain integrations you will also want a password set up to view things in our user interface.
3. Once you have these you can set up a Zap. When authenticating please enter your api key in the top field of the authentication pop up window and your token in the bottom field. Your token should entered in the format Pomerium-XXXX where the Xs represent your token. Zapier will prompt you when it's time to enter your authentication.
4. You can put together a variety of Zaps. We have summarized you options below:
First choose from many apps available on Zapier to import data from.
This should be an app you can get data to start a search from such as names and birthdates.
Second, choose a type of search.
Simple Name Search
Enter your search text, maximum results desired, and whether you want to include field name. Don't include field name if you will be using this search to call details on search ids returned. Do include field names if you only want the search ids and links and you'd like the labels attached to them. You probably want labels attached if you're importing into a word processor, but not if you're importing into a spreadsheet for example.
Narrative Name Search
Enter your search text and maximum results desired. Do not use this search if you plan to use this response to make a call for more details, or if you want pieces of data you can enter into a spreadsheet. Use this search if you plan to enter text into a word processor or email body for example.
Text Search
This is the same as Simple Name Search except that it allows you to add more specific details to your search such as birth date or state.
Narrative Text Search
This is the same as Narrative Name Search except that it allows you to add more specific details to your search such as birth date or state.
Third, choose what format you'd like your search result information in.
In the previous step you called a search that returned results. If you called a narrative search or a search with field names included you can skip to the next step. You only need this step if you called a non-narrative search without field names.
Choose a second call to gather more details on the search ids returned:
Narrative Suspect Link
This returns a link to the suspect for each id returned in the search in the previous step in this format:
" The link for suspect id 63b8957246e0fb0001f1b679 is . "
Narrative Suspect
This returns suspect details in narrative form, but does not return even details. If you are using this you will likely want to follow it with another step to call narrative events. You should expect data in this format:
"Details for suspect id 63b8957246e0fb0001f1b679 are . . . ."
Narrative Events
This returns suspect events in narrative form. You would normally use it right after calling narrative suspect. You should expect data in this format:
"Event results for suspect id ...."
Get Suspect Link
This is the same as narrative suspect link except that it is not in narrative format. Choose whether to include field names based on what you plan to do with the data. For example, you probably want field names in a text document, but not a spreadsheet since spreadsheets already have headings. You should expect a response in this format:
or this format
depending on whether you chose to include field names.
Get Suspect With Events
Again, you can choose whether you want field names. This will return a suspect with the first 10 associated events. You may need to call events again if there are more than 10.
Get Events
You may need this call if you called get suspect with events on a suspect with more than 10 events.
Get One Suspect
This only calls suspect data, not associated events.
Fourth, set up the app you'll be importing your results into.
If you called narrative data or data with field names you likely want to enter the data into something like a word processor or email body. If you called non-narritive data without field names you will likely want to use a spreadsheet or something similar. Please see the video walkthrough for an example of this.